Updates to My Sudoku Puzzle Maker
I'm afraid with little free time it has been a while since my last update to my Sudoku puzzle generator. I fixed a few problems with the generator. It had stopped working due to a change in what blogger adds into the template. It was messing up my javascript code. I tweaked the code so this doesn't happen. I also added a close statement so the new page that pops up won't look like it's in a running mode. This makes the Sudoku puzzle printable without having to click the browser stop button.
I've realized that creating a valid Sudoku puzzle isn't easy. My version 2.0 attempted to ensure a unique solution. As this Wikipedia article describes "a proper puzzle has a single (unique) solution." Version 2.0 improved the odds that the puzzle would be unique, but it's not 100%. The chance of a non-unique solution increases on the higher levels when there are fewer givens. So if you're looking for an easy Sudoku or a kid Sudoku (under level 5), you probably won't have to worry about multiple solutions. If you think there may be multiple solutions, use this Sudoku Solver to find out. It'll detect and display multiple solutions. I'll keep working on Version 3.0 which will hopefully be able to guarantee a unique solution in all cases.
Update: As of February 2010, I still haven't developed version 3.0 of my Sudoku Maker program. As I mentioned, the uniqueness issue is a tough one.